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smiling woman wearing business attire

Renée E. Thompson


smiling man wearing business attire

John J. Maceluch, Jr.


smiling woman wearing pearls standing in front of a brick wall

Michelle Garcia Gilbert


Smiling woman with long hair wearing business attire

Stephanie Cagnet Myron


Image of a smiling woman (Cristina Alonso)

Cristina Alonso

Immediate Past Chair

Executive Council

Image of a smiling woman with crossed arms (Amanda Barton)

Amanda L. Barton

Linda Calvert-Hanson

Linda Calvert-Hanson

Image of a smiling man (Bill Curphey)

Bill Curphey

Smiling woman with blonde hair

Christine R. Davis

Smiling woman in business attire

Paige Greenlee

Jennifer Kuyrkendall Griffin

Judge Jennifer K. Griffin

Image of a smiling woman (Michelle Adams Gumula)

Michelle Adams Gumula

smiling woman with dark hair and glasses wearing business attire

Starlett M. Massey

Image of a smiling woman

Liz McCausland

Image of a smiling woman (Megan Murray)

Megan W. Murray

Masimba M. Mutamba

Smiling man wearing business attire and glasses

Michael T. Olexa

smiling woman wearing business attire

Alicia S. Perez

Smiling man in business attire

Nicholas A. Shannin

smiling woman wearing pearls and a pink top

Rebekah S. Taylor

Smiling woman wearing a black top

Mindi Wells

Image of a man with arms folded

Camara A. Williams

Smiling man in casual business attire

Zack Zuroweste

Liaisons & Special Appointments

smiling man with moustache and beard wearing business attire

Jesse R. Butler

Board of Governors Liaison

Image of a smiling woman in business attire (Priscilla Horn Warren, CP, FRP)

Priscilla A. Horn

CLA Representative and Paralegal Liaison

Smiling man in business attire

Nicholas A. Shannin


Chair Emeritus Members

Jacina Parson

Jacina J. Parson

Sean Desmond

Sean T. Desmond

Damon C. Glisson

Smiling woman

Margaret R. Hoyt

Smiling man in business attire

Christopher C. Johnson

Kevin Johnson

Kevin D. Johnson

Man in business suit

Frank E. Maloney, Jr.

Teresa Morgan

Teresa B. Morgan

Smiling man wearing glasses

Timothy S. Shaw